Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1996 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
He mau hanana
A calendar of events I
'Apelila (April) 11 — South Seas Cinema Fest, Taputapua-Sharks of Polynesia, Honolulu Academy of Arts, 5 p.m. Cost: $2. Also: Lani and the Sharkman Tiko and The Shark at 6 p.m., Cost: $4.50 and Keone's Poi Pounder Beyond the Reef, 8 p.m. Call 532-8700. 12 — South Seas Cinema Fest, Paniolo Documentary, 5 p.m., $2. Hawaiian Buckaroo at 6 p.m., $4.50 and Castaway Cowboy at 8 p.m., $4.50., all at Honolulu Academy of Arts. Call 532-8700. 16- June 25 — Hawaiian language classes, beginners to advanced, Kamehameha Schools and Downtown area. Cost $65. Call 'Ahahui 'Olelo Hawai'i at 528-5453. 19-26 — Kawaiaha'o Church culminates its 175th anniversary with a spiritual tour of historic churches on O'ahu and two neighbor islands. Learn how island people embraced the faith and retrace some steps of the early missionaries, guided by Rev. Abraham Akaka. Experience how Christian and Hawaiian values blended to create a strong spiritual life in Hawai'i. Call 522 1333, if you plan to attend. 20 & 27 — The Misadventures of
Litter Bugsy, 4:30 p.m. at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Park. Presented by Hawai'i Theatre for Youth, the preschool tour show is a fun and unique way to introduce recycling. Recommended for ages 4 and up. Cost: $9 for adults/$7.50 teens/$5 for youth and seniors over 60. Call HTY at 839-9885. 22 - 24 — Building Rural Communities: Models for the Future Conference, Hyatt Regency, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Premiere training and networking event for rural development and preservation professionals and loeal community organizers. Topics include: cross-cultural partnerships, innovative mixeduse facilities, environmental projects, leveraging Sec. 502 funding for self-help housing, and conflict resolution. Voice mail box (916) 447-9832, ext. 197 26 & 27 — "The Miracle Worker," a drama performed by the Kamehameha Schools drama troupe, 7:30 p.m., Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani Auditorium, Kamehameha Schools campus. Cost: $5/$3. Call 842-8356. 27* — "Preparing to Build Your Home" for Waiohuli -Keokea, Maui homesteaders. Paukukalo Hawaiian Homes Community Center, Wailuku, Maui 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Speakers from four mort-gage-lending banks who have
loan programs for DHHL lessees; also speaker from Veteran's Administration. Sponsored by Nā Po'e Kokua. Free. Call 877-7901 or 575-2125 for reservations. April 28- May 2 — Hawaiian Week: "Begin with Things Hawaiian." Peabody Essex Museum, Boston. Presented by the Boston Hawaiian Club. Hula, chant, the last monarch, traditional foods, native navigation. Tel. (508)745-1878. Fax: (508) 744-6776 Mei (May) Now - May 19 — Bishop Museum presents "Kaho'olawe: Ke Aloha Kūpa'a i ka 'Āina." Stories and history are brought to life on this visual journey to Kaho'olawe. Call 848-4168. Now - July 21 — "Hawai'i and Its People," a pictorial heritage of Hawai'i, Honolulu Academy of Arts. This inaugural installation features works of diverse media dating from 1779 to 1950, including documentary art from voyaging artists of the 19th century. Selections from professional to amateur reflect eommon subject matter and thenies such as Hawaiian culture, erupting volcanoes, developing Western eommunity and introduction of Hawaiian design. May 4 — Hawai'i Quilt Day, Honolulu Academy of Arts. Slide lectures, educational programs,
demonstrations and heritage Hawaiian quilts. An exhibit of traditional and contemporary quilts created by the members of the Hawai'i Quilt Guild will follow May 10 - May 12.
May 18 — Sixth Annual Moloka'i Ka Hula Piko: Moloka'i Nui A Hina, Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Papohaku Beach Park, Kaluakoi. Free. A series of lectures on Moloka'i history and mo'olelo accompanied by dance demonstrations will be presented by kumu hula John Ka'imikāua at
theColony Kaluakoi Hotel & Golf Club, May 14 - May 16 at 7 p.m. On-site lectures at Father Damien's Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Church and at Kapuwahine Fish Pond, Tuesday, May 14, at 3 p.m. and Wed„ May 15, at 10 a.m. Walking tours are at no charge. Call (800) 5530404. ' rv May 22 - 25 — Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona Festival, Keauhou Beach Hotel. Aunty Elizabeth Lee has been weaving for more than 50 years and designated a living Treasure by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs in 1993. She
will share her knowledge along with other master weavers. Weaving workshops will be featured during the four-day festival. Other weavers include Peter Park, Adelle Bates, Cecelia Johnson, and many others. Craft shows
will be held May 24 - 25. Fees for all workshops are $60 and i n e 1 u de s dinner and lu'au. To register, eall (808) 3255592. May 23 - 26 — S e e o n d A n n u a 1 P r i n e e A 1 b e r t
Music Festival, Princeville Hotel. Fee. Call 1-800-826-4400. May 24 - 26 — Big Island Bamboo Conference, University of Hawai'i at Hilo. To cover Bamboo architecture, landscape design, farming and cultural eeology. A trade show showcasing bamboo furniture, food products, structures, plants, crafts and building techniques. Registration fee $95. Call (808) 955-3553. May 24 - 27 — "01d Hawai'I on Horseback", Waimea's paniolo traditions, Memorial weekend. For details eall 808-885-6707.