Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 4, 1 April 1996 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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...Hui Kalaiaina's strategy is in place for the OHA election in november. to become involved in the effort to make OHA PONO, please contact any hui kalaiaina member. . .



Earl. Kawa'a - Oahu

. - - it is time for a major refocus at oha. our people are frustrated and H/LAH/LA. the trustees must be accountable, and it is really up to all of us to make that happen . . .

» $ J ■


Al Lagunero - Maui

...your involvement in the election is an investment in your children and grandchildren. . .


H.K. Bruss Keppeleh - Oahu

...Hui Kalaiaina, the Hawaiian Political Party, will hold a convention this summer to draft four members to be can d i dates in the november election . . . TO BECOME INVOLVED IN THE EFFORT TO MAKE oha PONO, CONTACT HUI KALAI'AINA By telephone (8o6) Q69-Q72 i By majl PO Box 19 16, Honolulu, Hl 96805

or through any hui kalai'aina member Eu Nahulu. president Hawai'i Keoni Agard Oahu Eddie Akana Hawai'i Paul Burns Oahu John (Boy) Colsurn Oahu Tom Cummings Oahu Ron Makaula DelaCruz Hawai'i JlMMY DowSETT HAWAl'l OuEENIE DoWSETT HAWAl'l

Rod Ferreira Hawai'i Bill Fuller Oahu Ben Henderson Oahu Allen Kale'iolani Hoe Oahu Douglas Keauhou Ing Oahu Mel Kalahiki Oahu Dennis Kauahi Oahu Francis Kauhane Hawai'i Earl Kawa'a Oahu

H.K. Bruss Keppeler Oahu Al Lagunero Maui Bob Lindsey Hawai'i Cordy MacLaughlin Maui Kahimoku Nahulu Oahu R. Keau Pua Oahu Walter Ritte. Jr. Moloka'i Jo-Anne Kahanamoku Sterling Maui George (Cal) Thomas Oahu Jan Yuen Oahu

Financial support for Hui Kalaiaina comes solely from individual contributions from rrs members.