Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 4, 1 April 1996 — "People's Puwalu" is true self-determination [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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"People's Puwalu" is true self-determination

bv Samuel Kealoha ,lr„ Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i OHA and HSEC are following the dangling "CARROT" in perfect step with the state's utter rejection of the Hawaiians right to self-determina-tion. In other words, both agencies are forcing the Hawaiian people to vote in a process that is virtually unknown in the Hawaiian community and will have devastating ramifications for future genera-

tions. On February 15, 1996, the majority of the Board of Trustees voted to appropriate $353,000 to HSEC for a "Native Hawaiian Vote." However, our honorable bozos have nol yet approved the change from "PLEBISCITE" to "NATIVE HAWAIIAN VOTE." This does not change the SCAM! As a matter of fact, there is still uncertainty and speculation over just what a "NATIVE

HAWAIIAN VOTE" is and what it entails. Also at the 2/15/96 Board meeting, several HSEC cronies attended and unveiled their unending support of the state's relentless effort to control the process. Most shameful at the meeting was A'o Pohaku Rodenhurst, an HSEC member who forced her young son to perform an 'oli prior to her dog and pony show - a "HO'OKUPU" presentation and her tenacious testimony. The eomieal "ho'okupu" were presented to certain trustees of whom her spirits informed her were going to vote in HSEC's favor. As it turned out her presentation was nothing more than a circus. She gave ho'okupu to trustee Keale who voted "NO" - that ho'okupu should have been given to my "quacky" colleague, Trustee Akaka (did not receive a "ho'okupu), who voted "YES". The trustees who voted in the affirmative of releasing funds to HSEC speak from both sides of their mouths, an art consistently familiar. In this time of fiscal crisis, OHA's funding is being threat-

ened by its MOTHER the state who is working toward withholding the ceded land revenues from OHA for five years. A year ago nobody ever would've thought that the State would ever dare to do such a thing to its child (OHA). Most of the trustees are running frantic calling this move by their MOTHER, illegal and unjust. Some trustees have declared "WAR" against their MOTHER (the state) for attempting to withhold ceded land revenues. Despite trustees crying with dry tears, their

affirmative vote allows the stale to eontrol our sovereignty. With their "YES" vote they are providing their MOTHER with a mechanisnt (State initiated plebiscite / NATIVE HAWAIIAN VOTE) to forever hold the Hawaiian people as wards of the state and continue state control of our lands. How you figgah? What is the alternative to this state I controlled plebiscite/native Hawaiian j vote? The PeopIes Puwalu is a native

process for bringing about consensus among the Hawaiian organizations on the issue of sovereignty. On February 16-18, the Peoples Puwalu was held at the Pai 'ohana's 'āina - the 'āina that the National Park Service is attempting to scam away from this Hawaiian family. Many groups participated in this historic event and, by doing so they utilized, and practiced the true essence of self-determination. Of those who participated and stayed until the very end was former OHA Trustee Clarence Ching. The focus of the Peoples Puwalu was spirituality, Hawaiian culture, and a process for consensus. All the organizations that participated agreed to the 'aelike process for consensus in future Peoples Puwalu. The next Peoples Puwalu is scheduled for April 19-21 on Moloka'i. This is a true and honest effort of selfdetermination, no propaganda. All Hawaiians or organizations are weleome to participate. For more information on the Peoples Puwalu, eall my aide, Shane Pale at 594-1887.