Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1996 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Board Business

Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai

By Deborah \3 ard Acting Public Information Officer

Februar> 1, 19% The Board of Trustees met at OHA's Honolulu office. All trustees were present. After approval of the agenda as amended. receipi of the correspondence report from the Chairman and the Administrator's report, and hearing community concerns, the board considered the following business matters: Pacific Northwest Treaty funding The board unanimously voted to approve funding of $2,500 from kuleana proceeds as OHA's contribution to the Pacific Northwest Trealy of Intemational Indigenous Peoples Organization. Cashman and Solomon family legal assistance The board voted unanimously to approve up to $10,000 from OHA Land Title Project recouped fees to provide legal services to the Cashman and Solomon family in a quiet title action related to land at Kaeliwai, Kanananui, Moloka'i. 'Ewa Mahna caprock contested case The board voted unanimously to approve up to $82.500 ffom trust funds to pay for additional Iegal and professional services related to the 'Ewa Marina caprock contested case hearing. OHA is actively opposing the ck \ elopment of the proposed marina by Haseko Co., based on violations of cedei.i land trust purposes and duties, and other consexjuenccs adver.se to Ihe well-being of OHA beneficiaries. Hawaiian Home Landslndividual Claims Panel Funding

The board voted 6 ayes, 3 abstentions, to approve up to $90,500 to provide two additional investigators to the Hawaiian Claims Office to investigate individual claims for breach of the Hawaiian Home Lands trust. The board also voted. 6 ayes and 3 ;ibstentions, to approve up to $260,000 to provide legal representation to individuals appearing before fhe Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual CTaims Review Panel. Chief Financial Officer The hoanl voced. 8 ayes, Akana dissenting. to establish a chief financial officer's position, supervising all OHA accounting and fiscal management tasks, and to redesignate the current administrative services officer position as this position . Funding for ad\ertisements for allocated positions The board voted, 8 ayes, Beamer dissenting, to approve up to $20,264 to advertise OHA requests for proposals, and staff vacancies. Ke Ola Mamo grant request The board voted, 8 ayes, Kealoha dissenting, to approve a grant of $50,000 from tmst funds to Ke Ola Mamo for a pilot project in Ko'olauloa to address child abuse and other forms of family violence through a program stressing improved family functioning and parenting skills, child health and deve!opment, and preventing child abuse and neglect. Use ofTrustee allowanee funds relating to communication with heneficiaries The board voted, 6 ayes, 3 nos to recommend that the Board of Trustees include in any amendment to title 1, Chapter 3 of the OHA Administrative and Financial Manual of Guides, a statement specifying that, among other things. the annual trustee allowanee shall be used to defray any maiiing expense in excess of ihe $250 alloeaūon whieh will lie provided to eaeh tmstee at the beginning of eaeh calendar year from OHA's postage budget for the purpose of covering mailing expenses incurred for non-committee and/or non-agenda related official correspondence. The moiion was amended to set Febmary 1, 19% as thc effective date after whieh the cost of mailing over ten pieces whieh are substantially identical in content by an individual OHA trustee shall be paid for by the tmstee allowanee or by the tmstee himself or herself.

Utilize video footage by Mounlain Apple Co. The board voted unanimously to authorize the Mountain Apple Co. to utilize a short segment of "'Onipa'a" video footage to produce a promotional video for use in video stories worldwide to publicize the sale of Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's "E 'Ala" song and album. Use ofbuttons and ribbons productionfunding The board voted, 6 ayes, 2 nos, 1 excused, to clear an unpaid Professional Communications bill for production in 1993 of 'Onipa'a buttons and Hawaiian flag ribbons for the Queen Lili'uokalani Commemorative Committee. Legislative strategy The board voted, 7 ayes, Beamer dissenting. 1 excused, to adopt a proactive strategy for the 1996 legislative session. The strategy acknowledges OHA's awarcncss of thc state's severe linaneial simation and e.xpresses OHA's willingness to take a creative approach in working with the Legislature to address the state's fiscal crisis. The strategy also indicates that any specific proposals whieh may be discussed as OHA pursues this strategy during session is subject to approval of the Board of Tmstees. It fiirther clarifies that OHA is not submitting a Supplemental Budget Request this year to the Legislature because of the poor fiscal condition of the state. Resolution to name the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation and Hālau O Kekuhi Living Treasures The board voted unanimously to approve a resolution naming Hālau O Kekuhi and the Edith Kanakaole Foundation as "Hawaiian Living Treasures" for the outstanding cultural integrity exhibited in the perforcontinued on page 15

Board business continued from page 12 mances of the epie dance drama "Holo Mai Pele." Nomineesfor the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Oouneil The board voted unanimously to appoint six individuals to the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council. The appointees are: Solomon Kaopuiki, Graydon Keala, Charles Keau, Moana Lee, Lydia Namahana Maioho and Momilani Ventura, altemate. OHA v. HFDC Civil No. 94-4207-11 OHA attomey Sherry Broder said that OHA and other plaintiffs are seeking a stay on the sale of ceded lands until the claims of native Hawaiians for the illegal overthrow are resolved. There will be a hearing on this suit on April 2 at 9 a.m. in Judge Daniel Heeley's courtroom.