Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1996 — Ownership of kuleana parcels in Honokōhau valley determined [ARTICLE]
Ownership of kuleana parcels in Honokōhau valley determined
In October 1980, Maui Land and Pineapple fded a complaint to quiet the title of approximately 30 kuleana parcels in the upper portion of Honokōhau Valley on West Maui. Maui Land and Pine had acquired interest in these kuleana but did not have complete ownership.
In 1982, the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, recognizing that there were many owners to these kuleana, and that very few persons having ownership interests had responded to Maui Land and Pine's quiet title eomplaint, petitioned th court to allow the case to proceed as a
class action. NHLC's mohon was granted in October that year and in April 1983, Maui Land and Pine and NHLC entered into an agreement, under whieh Maui Land and Pine and NHLC pledged to undertake the genealogical and record title research necessary to
determine the names and ownership interest of those persons, along with Maui Land and Pine, who had inherited title to the kuleana parcels. This research took almost nine years to complete. Over the next few months we will be hsting the names of individuals with an
interest in the land. This information was recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances on October 11, 1995. If you are among the persons listed below, please contact Euniee Ishiki-Kalahele at the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation (808) 521-2302.