Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1996 — PUBLIC NOTICE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Legal Advertisefflent

Whereas at a meeting of the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company, a general partnership existing under and by viitue of Hawaiian Kingdom law, and having in view the proper authority required and allowed by deeds of trust namely documents #96-000664, #96-004246, #96-006277, #96-014115 and #96-014116, duly registered in the Bureau of Conveyances, it has heeome necessary to the prosperity of our Kingdom and the proper physical, mental and moral improvement of our beneficiaries, who retain a vested undivided right in all the lands of the Hawaiian Islands. as native Hawaiian subjects, that the necessary steps be laken for the quieting of all land titles in the Hawaiian lslands. Due to the tact that all patcnts in fee-simple, having originated from the Hawaiian Kingdom govemment, were subject to the corporate rights of this body pohtic, it is by the authority vested in the Trust, by the abovementioned deeds, that we are authorized to initiate these necessary steps in acccrdance to Hawaiian law, as if the Trust is the absentee govemrnent. The Trustees having convened, it was Resolved, lst. That Perfect Title Company, a general partnership establisbed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom and duly registered in the Bureau of Conveyances as document #95-153346, be chosen to investigate and confirm or reject all claims to land arising after the 10th day of December, A.D. 1845.

2nd. That the same be employed at a compensation to be hereafter determined, derivable solely from the fees and perquisites resulting from the labors of Perfect Title Company. 3rd. That said company be duly swom to fidelity in the discharge of its duties as such. That it be, and is, hereby authorized to recei ve claims and evidences for our after consideration, from and after tlie first publication hereof. That it be required to endorse upon eaeh elaim the day and hour of its receipt by (he company. That it's office is at 850 Richards Street, suite 507, in Honolulu, phone #808-524-4477 and fax #808-524-0771, for the transaaion of its duties, and for the facility of claimants. And that it be chscharged with keeping all records and proceedings upon claims. 4th. That claims submitted for settlement be taken up and acted upon according to the order of their presentation, and be settled according to order taken in eaeh case by majority in number of Perfect Title Company. Only property where Native Tenants are claiming under tlicir vested right, will be advanced. 5th, That the staled hours of Perfect Title Company be held Monday through Friday, commencing at 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.. 6th. That these resolutions be published in the Pacific Business News, the Ka Wai Ola newspapers, and any other newspaper that circulates throughout the Hawaiian lslands, concurrently with the noliee to claimants required by law, to the end that they may be apprised of these by-laws established by the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company. Done at Honolulu, this 3rd day of February, A.D., 1996 (signed) Donald A. Lewis, Trustee (signed) David Keanu Sai, Trustee

TO ALL CLAIMANTS OF FEE-SIMPLE TITLES IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Perfect Title Company has been appointed by the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company to investigate and confirm or reject all claims of fee-simple titles arising after the 10th day of December, A D. 1 845, in accordance to Hawaiian law. The "articles of agreement" and the "principles" adopted in adjudicating eaeh elaim is registered as document #96-016046 in the Bureau of Conveyances, for public viewing. Tbe company is prepared to hear the parties or their counsel in defense of their titles to lands. and is prepared to receive in writing the claims and evidences (i.e. TMK#. etc.) of fee-simple title whieh parties may have to offer, at tlie office of Perfect Tide Company. The claimant shall be responsible for the total cost of the investigation. All persons are required to file with the company by deposiung specifications of their fee-simple title(s) to land, and to adduce the evidence upon whieh they elaim title to any land in the Hawaiian lslands. before the expration of two years from this date; or in default of so doing. they will after that time be forever barred of all right to recover tlie same in the courts of justice. Dated this 14th day of February, 1996.