Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — Hilo gets new Community Resource Coordinator [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hilo gets new Community Resource Coordinator

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs has hired a new community resource coordinator (CRC) for its Hilo office. Jamie Moana Kawauehi comes to OHA after nine years of work on the Big Island with the Department of Health (DOH), and fills the position vacated by Bill Kalei. Kawauehi, a Hawaiian who has lived on the Big Island most of her life, worked as an audiometric assistant while at the DOH. The position required her to visit island schools and conduct hearing and vision tests to detect infections and other heahh problems the students might have. She says her work exposed her to the severity of the problems faced by many Hawaiians on the island. "I saw these people needed an advocate, they needed someone who could help them." Kawauehi believes working at OHA will help her continue to provide the assistance that many in the

community need. "I'm really grateful for this opportunity," she says. One of her strongest qualifications is the wealth of experience she brings working with the different agencies on the island. "Through the nine and a half years I worked with the state I met a lot of people and connected with many of the island agencies," Kawauehi points out. "I have a lot to learn but I also know who to ask." This type of knowledge is extremely useful in helping the many people that eome into the Hilo office with needs that are best addressed by specific organizations, including OHA. Kawauehi also brings to OHA an outgoing, energetic, and friendly personality, attributes that will assist her in coping with the challenges of running a neighbor island office. Kawauehi lives with her husband David in Ka'ū and has two grown daughters, Junko and Jamae.