Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
"When I graduate, I will return to Moloka'i to help the Hawaiian community" — IOLANI HAMAKUA, MOLOKA'I
Single parent Iolani Hamakua misses her home and family on Moloka'i. But she realizes that she ean best help them and the community back on Friendly Island if she obtains an education before she returns. The 1986 Moloka'i High School graduate has been attending the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa for four years, studying marketing and working toward a certificate in the Hawaiian language. ^HI J^^^H Fler part-time job with the Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission has shown her first-hand the need for Hawaiians to know the Hawaiian language and culture / j ' in order to work for their preservation. M wmĒĒĒĒ If you are of Hawaiian descent, in a full-time college fi:; • I * ^ degree program and attending specified Hawai'i !/ Jf colleges, you may qualify for post-high school M t financial aid offered by KSBE. For more | ^ information, eaU our Financial Aid Department §1^^ ' a' KAMEIIAMEHA St;HOOLS BERNICE PAUAHI BlSHOP ESTATE