Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

77*£ State of Hawaiyi Plebiscite Means NO LAND, NO SOVEREIGNTY, NO CHANGE FOR HAWAIIANS WHAT IS A PLEBISCITE? A plebiscite is "a vote of the people expressing their ehoiee for or against a proposed law or enactment, submitted to them and whieh if adopted, will work a change in the constitution, or whieh is beyond the powers of the regular legislative body." (Black s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, 1 991) However, the State of Hawai'i is making sure that no change will occur by stating in H.B. 3630 that no part of the constitution, charter, statutes, laws, rules, regulations, or ordinances will be altered after the Hawaiian Convention. WHY IS THE STATE PUSHING FOR THIS PLEBISCITE? In 1993, the U.S. Congress passed the "Apology Bill" (Pub. L. 103-150). It acknowledged that the U.S. was wrong in 1 893 and that the overthrow was illegal. ". . .The indigenous Hawaiian people never relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands to the United States, . . .through a plebiscite or referendum. . ." Because of this federal acknowledgment that Hawaiians have not given up our lands by plebiscite or referendum. the Office of State Planning drafted a law (the HSEC law) to force a plebiscite vote. The State presently controls our lands, natural resources and funds. The Government realizes the ramifications of P.L. 103-150 and wants to maintain the wardship status of Native Hawaiians and control ceded and Hawaiian Home Lands. The State of Hawai'i is calling for this plebiscite, not the Hawaiian peoples. The State of Hawai'i is controlling the plebiscite process. Governor Waihe'e appointed the HSEC Commission, the Hawaiian people did not vote them into office. The Governor's appointees created the rules - the Hawaiian people were never given the right to vote to approve the process. There is danger and risk involved in the State sponsored process. WHAT YOU CAN DO • BOYCOTT THE STATE OF HAWAI'I PLEBISCITE! • DO NOT VOTE ĪN THE PLEBISCITE! • DO NOT RETURN YOUR BALLOT! • Tell your legislators not to support funding for HSEC. Urge them to put the funding into existing programs whieh deal with Native Hawaiian education, heahh and housing. The HSEC wants 6.5 million dollars this year. • Educate yourselves about what is happening in the sovereignty movement. Closely examine and question why the State of Hawai'i and it's agent HSEC are rushing to hold a plebiscite. • Call contact phone numbers below to get more information. \(Next Monlh: "They Call It Plebiscite, We Call It Suicide")

For More Information, Please Call

Hawai'i Māui O'ahu Moloka'i . Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Lāna'i San Francisco, CA Los Angeles, CA. San Diego, CA Portland, OR Las Vegas, NV Salt Lake City, UT Seattle, WA

885-7677 242-6923 942-7607 553-5110 $22-5613 961-2888 (510)559-8811 {714)761-1282 (619)295-8762 (503) 235-51% (702)222-0280 (801)467-3594

| This ad was paidfor in part by Pono Kaulike, ine. And Trustee Samuel L. Kealoha, Jr. (Office ofHawaiian Affairs)