Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — Trustee responds to criticism [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Trustee responds to criticism

by Samuel Kealoha Jr. Trustee Moloka'i and Lāna'i It is indeed a pleasure to respond to several written opinions ( in Ka Wai Ola O OHA, "The Living Water of OHA," ('lanuali) Januar> 1996.) In the interest of education and allowing the

Hawauan people tnemselves to investigate and consider the facts of the "state's plebiscite" and the creation of HSEC: What the real purpose of the state-initlated plebiscite is and what all this means to the Hawaiian people? OHA update "A Hawaiian Plebiscite For All Hawaiians," this implies that thc llawaiian people created this scam. Your failure in viewing the essence of

the word "plebiscite" is an inconsiderable perspective. that's demeaning to our kūpuna. "Plebiscite" is a vote for or against a proposed law or enactment whieh, if adopted, will work a change in the constitution or whieh is beyond the power of the regular legislative body. The Honolulu Advertiser recently ccnducted a poli of the Hawaiian people. that indicati\l 66 percent would vote "yes" in favor of the state's plebiscite process for deftning sovereignty. Had those Hawaiian people been informed that the Legislature reserved for themselves the right to reject the Hawaiian people's vote and that they (the state Legislature) have the last word and final say on sovereignty. those Hawaiians polled would not be 66 percent. For the same govemment that has subjugated our kūpuna and suppressed the Hawaiian people for over a hundred years and has the last say and final word on Hawaiian sovereignty, is nothing less than the continued blatant violation of basic human rights! "When Hawaiians form their nation they must negotiate with the state and federal govemment to press their claims. The laws artd constitution will ihen lx; amended or changed lo reflect ihe results of lhese negotiations." The malformation ol this undcrtaking i>> that this ts not 1 959! And since tlus sc;tm h;ts gonc worldwidc, intemational law stands hehind the Hawaii;ui people sovereignty is not nego tiable!

The State of Hawai'i does not, and never did, have the right to interfere with a ehoiee that the Hawaiian people are supposed to make themseives. Nor should the Hawaiian people be made to depend on the state to finance or otherwise establish the means by whieh the Hawaiian people will determine their future. The Hawaiian people must decide

among ourselves on tne process where our ehoiee and decision will be respected even among the most humblest of nations. This is where OHA has failed in guiding the Hawaiian people on the true palh of self-determi-nation. Instead OHA is in full partnership with the mongoose in building our ehieken eoop. It now becomes easier to understand why the state needs to control the outcome so that the

Hawaiian people will choose what is favorable to the state and federal govemment and the corporate investors they seek to protect. The Hawaiian people must not be fooled into participating in this state created puppet show called "plebiscite"! In response to Douglas Kam of Kailua, Hawai'i: the one percent blood quantum Hawaiians now comprise one of the fastest growing segments (and becoming the laxgest bloc of voters), to arrogantiy step forward demanding our kūpuna to hand over the knife so that they ean cut the pie! This is deeply offensive to me. Finally, in response to our yelping ehihuahuas, 'Trustees join to negate misinformation." The leader of the paek is the former "gestapo," director of Hawaiian Homes. In those days Beamer had her own "gang of political modes." As our "high-standard of principles watchdog," those were the days when corruption ran freely in the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Rowena N. Akana has no other purpose in life but locking her jaws on the 'okole of Qayton Hee. The Rev. Moses K. Keale Sr. simply does not eome to meetings, board or otherwise. The so-called on-going practices of deceit and exclusion would not be accepted if he wouId only eome to meetings instead of yelping after the fact With our yelping chihuahuas this is not infighting, this is a way of life!