Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — LEGISLATIVE TIMETABLE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


DATE LEGISLATIVE DAY Jan. 17 1 Jan. 19 3 Jan. 22 4 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 7 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 1 1 Feb. 22 - Feb. 28 March 1 25 March 4 March 5 26 March 6 March 7 27 March 8 28 March 1 1 29 March 15 33 March 18 Apnl 4 45 April 8 April 1 1 48 April 1 2 49 April 22 55 April 25 58 April 26 59 April 29 60

» DEADLINE Opening day. Last day for unlimited bill introductions 5 bills/day limit begins and State-of the- StateAddress 5 bills/day limit ends. Last day for bill introductions. One day recess. Last day for organizations to submit grant and subsidy requests to the Legislamre. Mandatory five-day recess. First decking. Last day to eheek non-budget bills for third reading in the originating body. One day recess. House to deck Executive, Judiciary, and OHA budget bills for third reading. One day recess First crossover. Last day for third reading of non-budget bills in the originating body. House to pass budget bills. Senate to pass CIP bills on third reading. Last day for unlimited substantive resolution introduction. Six substantive resolutions/day limit ends. Last day to introduce substantive resolutions One day recess. Second decking. Last day to deck bills whieh were amended by the receiving (non-originating) body. Second crossover. Last day for third reading of bills whieh were amended by the receiving (non-originating body). First crossover for concurrent resolutions. Last day to pass concur rent resolutions to the non originating body. Disagree. Last day to disagree with the other body's drafts. - Deadline for final form of constitutional amendments. Second crossover for concurrent resolutions. Last day to pass concurrent resolutions whieh were amended by the receiving (non-originating) body. Last day to deck non-fiscal bills for final reading. Last day to deck fiscal bills for final reading. Adjoumment sine die.