Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1996 — Ka Wai Ola needs to be impartial [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Wai Ola needs to be impartial

The OHA Update entitled "A Hawaiian Plebiscite for all Hawaiians" on page 2 (Jan. 96), claimed a full page Ka Lāhui ad was being published "in the interest of allowing OHA voters and readers to 'consider for themselves' what is being said about the plebiscite...". This update never allowed us to 'consider anything for ourselves\ because we were never given an opportunity to read the ad on page nine. While I am not a Ka Lāhui citizen and do not agree with everything it stands for, I have always been opposed to all initiatives by the State of Hawai'i to impose its ideas of selfdetermination on our people. This state is an inherent part of our problems and will never be a part of our solutions. The answers to our problems will eome from us, not the illegal

entity and its appointed agents of sovereignty. The effects of the fraudulent 1959 statehood "plebiscite" are painfully evident in the continual decline of our people's health and social conditions. Never forget, the State of Hawai'i needs to protect its own interests and has everything to lose when we have full control over our lands and our natural resources. Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA needs to be fair and impartial regardless of any position the OHA Board of Trustees takes. You are accountable to OHA beneficiaries and not elected clowns who ean never agree whieh end is up. Kapuananiali'iokama Kala'i Honolulu