Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 1, 1 January 1996 — Hawaiian businesses sought [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian businesses sought

Maui Community College (MCC) is the recipient of a $13,890 grant from the Office of Hawaiian affairs to initiate paid intemships for native Hawaiian students enrolled a MCC. The specific types of intemships and training sites will be detcrmined based on the career interests of applicants ;tnd available training sites. Thc businesses selected as host i>rganizations will have the responsibility to provide on-the-job training an mentoring and evaluate the students work performance. The OHA grant provides funding for ten students to work 225 hours eaeh (17-20 hours per week) in Hawaiian agencies and

businesses during the 1996 spring semester startin January. Hte selected students will be paid $5.50 pcr hour for approximately 16 weeks. The project is intended to provide native Hawaiin students with career exposure and on-the-job training in organization with a Hawaiian culture base. For more information on how your business ean become a "host organization" please eontact Lui Hokoana (242-1227) or Joanne Rode (808-244-9181 ext. 327). Fax (808) 242-1251 or write to Maui Community College, 310 Kaahumanu Ave„ Kahului 96732.