Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 1, 1 January 1996 — Financial assistance for Hawaiian students [ARTICLE]
Financial assistance for Hawaiian students
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate (KS/BE), in cooperation with Alu Like is offering (inaneial assistance to Hawaiians planning to attend University of Hawaii'i Community Colleges, Heald Business College or the Hawai'i
Computer Training Center. The scholarships are for nondegree, one-year certificate and a half-time associate degree applicants only. The scholarships are funded through a grant ffom KS/BE and
administered by Alu Like Inc.'s Employment and Training Center. Contact any of these Alu Like, ine. Island Centers for more information.
O'ahu Island Center 1505 Dillingham Blvd.. Ste 218 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Tel: (808) 847-3868 Fax: (808) 845-0171 Maui Island Center 1939 Vineyard St. Wailuku, Hawai'i 96793 Tel: (808) 242-9774 Fax: (808) 244-7880
Kaua'i Island Center 3129 Peleke St. Līhue, Hawai'i 96766 Tel: (808) 245-8545 Fax: (808) 245-1720 Moloka'i Island Center Thomas Trade Center, Room 291 Kaunakakai, Hawai'i 96748 Tel: (808) 553-5393 Fax: (808) 553-9888
Hawai'i Island Center 32 Kino'ole St. Ste. 102 Hilo, Hawai'i 96720 Tel: (808) 961-2625 Fax: (808) 935-6084