Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 13, Number 1, 1 January 1996 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Board Business

Na Kuleana a ka rapa Kahu Waiwai

By Deborah Ward Acting Publlc Information Officer

December 5, 1995 The Board of Trustees met at OHA's Honolulu office. Board chairman Clayton Hee and Tmstees Aiona, Akana. Beamer, DeSoto, Kamali'i, Keaie and Kealoha were present. Trustee Akaka was excused. After approval of the agenda as amended, the minutes for the Sept. 7, 1995 meeting, the chairman's conrespondence report and the report from the administrator, the board considered the following agenda of business matters: Ke Kuhii Mālanialama The board voted unanimously to approve the list of nominees for the annual Ke Kukui Mālamalama awards for excellence in education. See story this issue. Kawaihae Water Sports, lne. v.v. Dave E Parsons et al Following discussion, the board voted unanimously to refer this matter back to Budget, Finance and Policy committee for further review. Procurement eoāe list approval The board voted 7 yes, 1 no, to approve OHA's commitment to the state procurement office pnee list for items used by OHA, such as inter-island aiiiine coupons. office supplies, computer and printer supplies, etc. This allows the advantage of lower prices, better warranties, savings on time and cost. and inclusion of neighbor island vendors. OHA puhlie relations campaign The board voted 6 yes, 3 no, to appropriate an amount not to exceed $300,000 in trust funds to conduct an educational media campaign, and to approve issuance of a request for (jroposals for such a campaign. Its purpose will be to educate community and govemmental decision-makers, opinion leaders, Hawaiian beneficiaries and gneral public about OHA's creation, history, mission and activities, the state's trust obligation to Hawaiians and the importance of protecting OHA's trust fund revenue stream from the ceded land trust

Kuleana escheat represeruation The board voted 7 yes, 2 no, to appropriate an amount not to exceed $55,000 from the kuleana proceeds to allow OHA to undertake legal representation in quiet tide actions in whieh OHA is named as a defendant or becomes an intervenor, and to pursue kuleana rights. Hirahara quiet title action The board voted unanimously to approve an amount not to exceed $10,000 from Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation recouped fees, to pay for legal representation for the family of Ilima Hirahara in defense of a quiet title action, Maui Land and Pine vs. Nahaku, Civil No. 88-0068, Second Circuit Court, Maui. The Hirahara family has an interest in 20 acres of property on Maui. Maui Land and Pine has brought a quiet tide action whieh includes that property. The Hiraharas could not be represented by NHLC whieh already has a client in that case with a conflicting genealogy. Board approval will allow the Hirahara family to hire its own attomey to defend the family's interest in the property. McComberlNaone quiet title action The board voted to approve an amount not to exceed $5,000 from Native Hawaiian Legal Corporadon recouped fees, to pay for preliminary legal representation and travel expenses to inspect the Moloka'i property for the McComber/Nacme family in defense of a quiet tide action, Aloha Council Boy Scouts of Ameiiea vs. Kahaole, Civil No. 93-0653(2), Second Circuit Court, Maui. The McComber family has an interest in two pieces of property on Moloka'i, whieh represent 4.28 acres and 13.48 acres respectively. A quiet title action is being brought by the Aloha Council, Boy Scouts of America. NHLC is unable to represent the McComber family as it already has a client with conflicting interests. The sum will allow the McComber family and its attomey to proceed with preliminary work to assess the property and begin work on the family genealogy and the property ehain of tiUe. Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council

The board heard a status report from Trustee Kamali'i, an HSEC member, on the cōurtcil's activities as follows: the Govemor will release $350,000 from state general funds when OHA's matching portion is released; the HSEC is moving in mid-January to a new office in the Kanaina Buiiding on the grounds of 'Iolani Palaee, whieh it will share with the Friends of 'Iolani Palaee. The move is necessitated because DLNR is selling the Mabel Smyth building back to Queen's Medical Center. December 13, 1995 The OHA Board of Tmstees met on December 13, 1995. All members were present except Tmstee Moses Keale who was excused. After approval of the agenda, as amended the board voted to approve the minutes of the September 12, October 12, 26, and 31 board meetings. Approva! of the Nov. 7 minutes was deferred. The board then voted to approve a final ammendment to the investment policy for the OHA Native Hawaiian Trust Fund. The vote was 8-0, one absent. The board then approved the investment poiicy itself. The approval included three ammendments that were added in the previous day's budget and finance committee meeting. The vote was 8-0, one absent. More information about OHA's investment policy will be provided in next month's Ka Wai Ola O OHA.