Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — Hawaiian healing arts work shop registration open [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian healing arts work shop registration open

A course for therapists interested in working in traditional Hawaiian healing arts is being

offered in January and February-Aprd 1996, by Ho'ohālike Ko Kahiko Hou La'au Lapa'au. The organization's founder is Kalua Kaiahua, kumu loea. The course on the reconstruction of the body, mind and spirit includes a contrast between the old and new traditional methods of healing. Classes are designed to assist professional and traditiona! practitioners and all who are interested in holistic medicine. They will also help

those who work with patierits who suffer from chronic pain, tension, edema, stress syndrome, poor circulation, TMJ syndrome, shoulder, arm and wrist injuries, and diseases related to diet and/or toxic impurities. Emphasis on sports injuries is included. Classes will be held Jan. 8-Feb. 14, 1996 and will repeat Feb. 26-Apr. 3, 1996. Class size is limited to 10-15 students per session. OHA scholarships are available to native Hawaiians of 50 percent or more Hawaiian ancestry. For inquiries or to enroll, eall (808) 488-3541.