Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — OHA Update [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Update
OHA @ the Net Join the thousands across the gIobe who have experienced OHA's World Wide Web site. h tt p :// planet-hawaii.com/oha/ More than a gimmicky graphic indulgence, OHA's site of¥ers something for all. Program information, Ka Wai Ola articles, press releases, the entire Native Hawaiian Data Book, it's all there and more. There's even a special graphics-free home page for users with slower computers or monitors without graphics capability. Need an apphcation or question answered? Just e-mail your request to oha@aloha.net. Have a specific question about grants? Contact grants specialist Jamie Wong at jwong@aloha.net, OHA's latest addition to the Net.