Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 December 1995 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Great Netv Booh! I jLA_ri O ■ P[P3(3ūO03d©[īi BiftoQūp0a6 I am©] Po®Q(5flQ©s by Luis A. V1anrique The main objective o< this book is to present a comprehensive review of all management aspects of lowland and upland taro production. The book provides up-to-date, in-depth coverage of topics such as taro-growing soils and environments, fertilization, crop management, disease and pest control, and post-harvest technology. The book is an essential source reference for farmers, agronomists, scientists, extension workers, students I and anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the taro crop. To order, send money orders, purchase orders or checks 1or 836.00 per copy (add S3.00 for shipping and handling) to:
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Nanrique lnternatīonal Agrotech P.O. Box 61145 Honolulu, Hi. 96839 Phone (808) 533-0391 I