Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 December 1995 — Ka nūhou mai Alu Like [ARTICLE]
Ka nūhou mai Alu Like
Newsfrom Alu Like (presented by Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA and Alu Like as a public service) For Hawaiians interested in starting up or expanding a business, the Alu Like Business Development Center's Entrepreneurship Training (ETP) class schedule is as follows. ■ \ -■ ■ ■ ■ ■ /3©. ■ :■ ■: Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 Honolulu ETP six-week course Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 Maui ETP six-week course Jan. 13 - Feb. 17 Moloka'i ETP six-week course March 2 - April 6 Kona ETP six-week course March 9- April 13 Kailua ETP six-week course March 12 - April 25 Honolulu ETP seven-week course A Financial workshop is being held on Nov. 18 and a business entry tactics workshop will be held on Feb. 24. Both workshops are four hours long and held in Honolulu at the Alu Like Business Development Center in the Maunakea Marketplace. The Honolulu classes are two hours eaeh evening, three times a week for seven weeks and are held at the Alu Like Business Development Center. The other classes will be conducted over a period of six consecutive Saturdays. Eaeh class runs for six hours. Locations for those classes are still pending. Subjects covered are business attitudes, marketing, organization, Financial management. business planning, and ongoing management. Space is limited. On O'ahu, eall 524-1225 to receive further information and applications. On Hilo eall 9612625.