Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — Budget highlights [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Budget highlights

Setf-help Housing Project planning and administration moneys for self-help housing activities on O'ahu, Moloka'i, and the Big Island. In 1996, money will be spent on projects in Waimea/Kawaihae and Ho'olehua. In 1997 the focus will be Maunalaha and Kahana Valleys as well as Waimea/Kawaihae and Ho'olehua. Sustainable communities Money to help develop self-sufficient communilies statewide, focusing initially on Kalapana on the Big Island. Funding is expected to be used to help put together a community facilily where residents ean congregate and promote development activities.

Waimānalo kupuna housing project Money for continued planning and development of a housing project for elderly Hawaiians in Waimānalo. Native Hawaiian Land Title Project Legal assistance to Hawaiians defending land titles or interest in real property in Hawai'i. The project also receives funds from the state Legislature so Hawaiians of any blood quantum ean apply. DLNR State Burials Program Salaries for two staff at the Department of Land and Natural Resources burial sites program to eonhnue their work identifying and reinterring bones uncovered at eoncontinued page 12 L__

Budget from 1

struction sites and other locations. The majority of the remains uncovered are native Hawaiian. Ho'olauna: Culture Awareness Froject Provides culture awareness workshops for heakh and human services organizations statewide. The project was initiated in 1989 with the Veterans Administration office in an effort to help staff there become more sensitive to the needs of Hawaiian vets. Traditional Hawaiian practices

in health Provides funds to perpetuate and support traditional Hawaiian practices in health such as la'au lapa'au and lomilomi through workshops, presentations, and conferences. Business training and technical assistance Accounting workshops statewide for Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund recipients to be taught by OHA eeonomie development staff and management and technieal assistance contractors.