Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 December 1995 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai
By Deborah VVard Acting Puhlie Information Officer October 26, 1995 The Board of Trustees met on Lāna'i at the
Mānele Bay Hotel. Board chairman Clayton Hee and trustees Aiona. Akaka, DeSoto and Kealoha. Trustees excused were: Akana, Beamer, Kamali'i and Keale. After approval of the agenda, the minutes, correspondence report from the chairman and administrator's report, the board considered the following agenda of business matters: S upplemental budget request ("B" hudget) for OHA 100-110. The board voted unanimously to approve the appropriation of $5,241,909 in 5(f) trust funds for the supplemental 1995-1997 biennial budget of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, referred to as the "B" budget. The "B" budget in fiscal year 1995-96 is $2,240,974, and in fiscal year 1996-1997 is $3.000,935. Trust fund hudget 1995-1997 (Budget Plan A) The board voted unanimously to approve the trust fund budget for 1995-1997, known as Budget Plan A. Administrator's vacancy The board voted unanimously to appoint Linda M. Colbum as Administrator of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs effective immediately, through December 1996. Grant requests The board voted unanimously to approve grant requests in the following amounts to: • $10,424.14 to the Anahola Community Youth Association for its Ho'oulu Project. whieh will teach homestead children how to raise fish in backyard aquaculture tanks and to grow food for their families. The community association expects the project to be se!f-supporting in a year's time through sales of its excess fish and produce, • $20,000 to Community Development Pacific, ine. / Paniolo Productions for post-production of the film "Paniolo," the first comprehensive historical portrait of the Hawaiian cowboy, whieh documents a tradition of vital importance to native Hawaiians and Hawai'i's history. • $100.000 to the Moioka'i Homestead Livestock Association's Community Pastures project for consultant and contract services and insurance for fencing to create community pasture lands for livestock raising at Kalamaula and upper and lower Makakupaia and other boundary areas. This project is intended to provide eeonomie and subsistence opportunities to homesteaders through cattle grazing. • $12,270 to Native Planters, to assist taro growers in Kahalu'u, Waiāhole, Waikāne, Hakipu'u and Lā'ie to improve taro productivity and prevent crop damage through a program to eradicate the destructive golden apple snail. The project is similar to the one OHA funded in Ke'anae and Wailua on Maui in whieh cayuga ducks are introduced into lo'i to eat the snails. Other altematives also being applied to controI snail infestation include clearing blocked waterways. • $10,700 to the Hāna Youth Center's Loko Kuamaka fishpond rebuilding and aquaculture project for consuitant and contract services, supplies, travel and airfreight of pua needed to restock the pond. This project offers the youth of Hāna a positive and culturally-oriented activity whieh teaches teamwork, modern and traditional aquaculture techniques and Hawaiian history. • $2,415 to Self-Help Housing Corporation to allow modification
of house construction plans to meet state requirements for the handicapped accessible housing code to better the living conditions of OHA beneficiary Naomi Hatori. The board also voted unanimously on the following matters: • to authorize expenditure of $16,000 from the Native Rights Fund to continue OHA's appeal of the Ewa Marina conservation district use application whieh continued page 19
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would allow Haseko to dredge an entrance ehannel through ceded lands. This appeal is to the Hawai'i Supreme Court. • to accept a settlement offer of no less than $44,230 in a quiet title case (Akana v. Kapuhea Civil #943-0080 involving kuleana lands on Kaua'i in whieh OHA has an interest under kuleana escheat law. The board voted to renew to June 15, 1996, its license for use of Upolu Pt., North Kohala, Hawai'i. OHA is working with community organizations in the area to create a regional cultural center on the site of the former Coast Guard LORAN station. Announcements Minutes of the OHA community meetings of Aug. 23, 1995 in Waimea, Hilo and Kona were approved. November 7, 1995 All members of the Board of Trustees were present for this special meeting held in OHA's main Honolulu office. The meeting was convened by Chairman Hee at 4:30 p.m. Carpenter v. Beamer et al The board voted 6 to 3 to accept the settlement of disputed claims offer extended by counsel Eric A. Seitz on behalf of Dante Carpenter, for-
mer Administrator on Civil #95-3312-09. Voting yes were trustees Aiona, Akaka, DeSoto, Hee, Kamali'i and Kealoha. Voting no were trustees Akana, Beamer and Keale. Under the terms of the agreement OHA will reimburse Dante K. Carpenter for all of the earnings and benefits, not to exceed $30,000, whieh he would have received as the administrator of OHA up to and until Jan. 12, 1995. In addition, minutes and records of OHA will be corrected to indicate that the minority report presented to the Board on Aug. 31, 1995 was "accepted for purposes of the records and was not approved or adopted by OHA as to the substantive contents thereof." The board also voted 5 to 4 on a motion that all defendants in the case will submit itemized cost amounts charged to them by their attomeys as of noon, Sept. 14, to Nov. 7, 1995 to the Administrator of OHA for payment by 4 p.m., Dec. 1, 1995. Voting in favor of the motion were trustees Aiona, Akaka, DeSoto, Kealoha and Hee. Voting against the motion were trustees Akana, Beamer, Kamali'i and Keale. A motion was defeated, 5 to 4, to amend the previous motion to extend to Nov. 14 the eligible period of itemized costs. Voting no were trustees Aiona, Akaka, DeSoto, Kealoha and Hee. Voting yes were trustees Akana, Beamer, Kamali'i and Keale.