Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — GRANTS AND PUR CHASE OF SERVICE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA's Board of Trustees established a funding program for grants and purchases of services that is supported by OHA trust funds. The program is administered by OHA's Planning and Research Office. Projects ean be funded if they further OHA's purposes and benefit
native Hawaiians (50% or more blood quantum) individually or as a group. Individuals and nonprofit organizations are eligible for grants; for-profits are not. Proposals are reviewed by OHA staff and outside experts. They make the first cut on proposals to be recommended to subject matter committees of the board, whieh forwards proposals to the Budget, Finance and Policy Committee for funding designations and recommendations to the full Board. Grant awards are made twice yearly, with an applieation deadline in Apnl and in September (subject to change). OHA announces actual dates through its newspaper and the regular press. For more information or to request a grant application packet, eall 5941964 or e-mail to jwong@aloha.neL