Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — All knowledge not found in one school [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

All knowledge not found in one school

In the article "Response to Trustee Kealoha eolumn" (in Nov.'95 KWO) Bishop Estate trustee Richard S. Wong wrote "Our [KSBE] study confirmed what has been a matter of trustee discussion for many years: Kamehameha is most effective in improving the education achievement of Hawaiians when Hawaiian students are taught in Kamehameha facilities by Kamehameha teachers using Kamehameha curriculum." I chuckled at that statement because when I attended Kamehameha Schools for the Summer Explorations Program, one of my teachers taught me a wise saying: " 'A'ohe i pau ka 'ike i ka hālau ho'okāhi." It means, not

all knowledge is found in one school. Do I hear a contradiction? Who should I believe, teacher or trustee? What my teacher told me is true: not all knowledge is found in one school. Matthew Kawika Ortiz Lā'ie