Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — Our Readers Write [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Our Readers Write
OHA support for state burial site program I wish to extend my personal gratitude to Chairman Clayton H. W. Hee and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' Board of Trustees for the decision to provide support for two positions in the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Burial Sites Program. In these difficult eeonomie times, creative partnerships within govemment have heeome critical, especially in areas of shared responsibilities. Since its inception in 1990. the Burial Sites Program has successfully addressed the treatment and protection of burial sites throughout the State of Hawai'i, including the reinterment of approximately 2,400 individuals; 93% of whom were Native Hawaiian. My staff and myself have appreciated the support expressed by your Trustee Committees assigned to this project. I know that this
spirit of cooperation will eonhnue as we embark upon this partnership whieh will enable Hawai'i's ancestors to be treated with dignity and respect. Miehael D. Wilson Chair, Board of Land and Natural Resources