Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1995 — Loan fund workshops [ARTICLE]
Loan fund workshops
OHA's eeonomie development division has been holding a series of bookkeeping and accounting workshops to help Hawaiian loan fund recipients better understand and utilize modem accounting tech-
niques. The workshops, whieh initially are being held on the Big Jsland, and Maui, begin with an introduction to accounting, then tackle areas such as ineome statements, setting up t-accounts, payroll and payroll taxes, and summarizing data in financial statements. Three workshops - a total of 16 hours of study - are being held on eaeh island. Eeonomie development staff hope that participants leave the workshops with a eomprehensive understanding of accounting. For the Big Island workshops, OHA is targeting loan fund recipients who are having diffīculty making payments. The Maui workshops are open to all loan fund recipients and businesses who have had a loan approved. In November, the first two of the three Bip īsland workshons took
plaee. A third will be held December 2. The workshops will then move to Maui where there will be two in January and one in February.