Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1995 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai
By Deborah Ward Acting Public Information OfTicer
September 21, 1995 Board Chairman Clayton Hee opened the September 21 meeting of the Board of Trustees at 10:15 a.m. All trustees were present. After approval of the agenda, the minutes, correspondence report from the ehainnan and administrator's report. and hearing various communitv concems, the board considered these business matters: Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council The board voted unanimously to approve the budget augmentation request of $106,081.90 for fiscal year 1995-96 as submitted by the Native Hawaiian Historic Presei-vation Council. Kailua High Schoo\ The board approved a request for a funding grant of $55,743 from Kailua High School for its E Kulia I Ka Nu'u counseling program. The program assists native Hawaiian students in planning their post-high school options for enrollment and success in the university system and other advanced training programs. Over the past six years, more than 600 Hawaiian students in grades 9-12 have participated in the program. The DOE is providing $20,730 in matching funds. Hawai'i's Volcano Circus The board defeated (6 no and 3 yes) a funding grant request for S8,900 from the Hawai'i's Volcano Circus to provide afterschool instruction in circus arts for children in the Keaukaha and Panaewa communities. Holo Mai Pele
The board unanimously approved a funding request of $1 1 ,238 from the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation to cover facility-related costs for the January 1996 benefit performance of the epie huladrama "Holo Mai Pele." A proviso was attached that should net revenues be realized up to the granted amounl. in lieu of reimbursement to OHA, the funds be distributed by the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation specifically for Hawaiian culture-related scholarships. Legal matters Following discussions in executive session, the board voted on these matters: — The board referred to its attomey for review a funding request for $72.000 by native Hawaiian beneficiary Kay Brooks of Kawaihae Water Sports, ine. The funding is to assist in her lawsuit against the state Department of Transportation for allowing a competitor to operate without being subject to the same regulatory requirements, whieh affected her business. — The board voted (6 yes, 3 no) to approve a settlement of $25,000 with former OHA in-house counsel Charlotte Libman. An additional $5000 was added as a mahalo for her years of service to OHA. — The board voted to approve a settlement of $10,000 with former OHA board secretary Jeff Cortez. — The board voted (5 yes, 4 no) to appropriate $150,000 in trust funds for expenses of legal representation of five trustees in the matter of Carpenter v. Beamer et al, in consequence of actions taken in their official and individual capacity. The board rejected an offer made via the former administrator's legal counsel, to settle for $30.000 and the withdrawal of the minority report whieh recommended his termination. Resolution in support of Gwich' in Nation The board voted (7 yes, 2 no) to adopt a resolution in support of the native Gwich'in people of Alaska and their position whieh opposes oil development, exploration and production in "area 1002" of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in order to protect the birthplace and nursery grounds of the Porcupine River caribou herd. The Gwich'in are aboriginal Alaskans who depend on the caribou for their subsistence and maintenance of a traditional way of life.