Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 11, 1 November 1995 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Quality Heahh Care For You And Your Ohana. Did you know that there are top quality, low-cost medical services available for you and your ohana? There are many reasons you should take advantage of the services at Kahhi-Palama Health Center. Here are just a few.
Top Quolity Medi<ol Servi<es We have a new elinie with the latest equipment and offer a full range of medical, dental, and eye care services, including: • adult and pediatric medicine • women's setvices (obstetrics, gynecology, and £amily planning) • eye care (a large sdection of low cost frames and contacts) • dental services • W1C nutrition • social work senices Multi-Cultural Stoff Our caring staff is fluent in 1 1 languages and are sensitive to Island traditions and cultures. We ean also help you get the services you need, including help in applying for Health QUEST.
We A«ept Most lnsuron<e Kalihi-Palama Ilealih Center accepts most health insurance. If you have Health QUEST, and you choose Kalihi-Palama Health Center as the plaee you want to go for health care, chances are your services will be covered 100% or with a small co-payment made by you.
8*8 Kalihi-Palama Health Center We CareAbout Your Family's HeaUh 915 North King Street • 848-1438