Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1995 — Inouye strongly supports Hawaiian programs [ARTICLE]
Inouye strongly supports Hawaiian programs
Recent public statements citing
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye's insufficient support for federal programs bettering the conditions of Native Hawaiians were grossly inaccurate. Since the late 1960s, Sen. Inouye has taken a keen interest in the affairs of native peoples and their relationship with the federal government. ... Since then, federal assistance specifically for native Hawaiians has totaled about $180 million. This has been provided to public and private non-profit agencies in the state principally through the efforts of our Congressional delegation and primarily through the leadership of Sen. Inouye. Critics continue to question the impact these dollars have had on our Hawaiian community and the competency of those agencies administering these dollars. The record is clear. All aspects of the Hawaiian family have been impacted by these federal dollars: kūpuna, job seekers, entrepreneurs, health services, exoffenders, college students, youthful drug offenders, at-risk youth, young adults interested in
health careers, gifted and talented children, language immersion, infants and mothers, families with young school-age children, cultural programs, sovereignty education, etc. The multiplier effect of the $180 million in federal assistance is 2.5 times. Thus, in reality, this assistance has impacted in positive ways upon our total state population at a value of $450 million. Not only has it provided meaningful opportunities for our people, it has also enhanced the social and eeonomie climate for all island residents. ... In the current trend to withdraw federal funds from many successful efforts addressing native peoples' issues, it is imperative that we close ranks and work together with Senator Inouye and our Congressional delegation and continue to work towards our vision of a healthy and vibrant Hawaiian people. Myron B. Thompson President, Alu Like, ine.