Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1995 — OHA sovereignty video receives award [ARTICLE]
OHA sovereignty video receives award
"Sovereignty Hawai'i," a 15minute OHA-produced video whieh explains the concept of native Hawaiian sovereignty and presents three models of sover-
eignty, has received the 1995 Award of Excellence from the Public Relations Society of America — Hawai'i chapter, for the best video feamre by a govemment/nonprofit agency. The video was produced for OHA's Land and Natural Resources division by Juniroa Productions and Professional
Communications. It explains three of the better-known models of sovereignty - international, state within a state, and nation within a nation models. It was featured in a televised town meeting on sovereignty and has been shown at numerous public meetings since then. Copies of the video are available for use by community groups by contacting the Office of Hawaiian Affairs land division.