Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 10, 1 October 1995 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai
By Deborah Ward Acting Public Information Officer
August 24, 1995 Board Chairman Clayton Hee opened the August 24 meeting of the BOT at 10:15 a.m. All trustees were present, except for Trustee Kīna'u Boyd Kamali'i, who was excused. After approval of the agenda, the minutes, correspondence report from the ehainnan and administrator's report, the board considered these business matters: Hawai'i Housing Authority Chairman Hee said that this item was for information only. Legal counsel has advised OHA that the state Budget and Finance director is required, under Act 304 (1990 session) to respond to OHA's concerns regarding the difference in appraisals and payments for several parcels in Waimānalo, Wai'anae-Kai, Pālama, and Waiākea. OHA's appraisal is high and HHA's low. So far, HHA has not negotiated on the difference with OHA, as was done with the Leiali'i project on Maui. In that case, HHA chose not to pay the higher value, but insisted that they paid the lower value. This was the basis of OHA's lawsuit in the Leiali'i housing project case. Trustee aides and secretaries The item pertaining to trustee aides was deferred pending further information from the administration. The board approved a motion to waive the minimum job requirements for BOT secretary positions and to clarify that the effective date is July 1, 1995 for Secretary III positions. Kula Kaiapuni Transportation The board voted unanimously to approve $43,613 in trust funds for the 1995-96 school year to provide a bus transportation subsidy for Hawaiian students with district exemptions to attend Kula Kaiapuni. Provisos adopted in the motion will require that: the number of native Hawaiian children (of at least 50 percent blood quantum) and other Hawaiian children (of less than 50 percent blood quantum) be identified to determine the number of students whose subsidy could be paid from trust funds only, and the amount of matching funds that the parents* group must raise; and that Kula Kaiapuni provide evidence of other fundraising by the parents' group. Hālau Maui Nui 0 Kama
The board voted unanimously to appprove $5,030 in trust funds to cover expenses incurred by 10 members of Hālau Maui Nui O Kama when they travelled to the Marquesas Islands with the Hōkūlea, Hawai'iloa and Makali'i to conduct the launching ceremonies for the return trip to Hawai'i. Jeanette Kaipo funding request The board voted to approve $5,000 in funding requested by Jeanette Kaipo for start-up costs including further research, pre-production and production of a 21-minute video remake of "How to Discover Genealogy and Real Estate Title Documents." Native Hawaiian Advisory Council A motion was approved, 7 to 2, to approve trust funds of $363,330 to the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council for legal and related services to represent OHA in the Waiāhole Ditch contested case. Worker's compensation The board approved, 6 to 3, an appropriation not to exceed $20,000 to hire legal services to analyze worker compensation cases at OHA, including five active cases. Nominations to Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund board A motion was defeated to submit to the Administration for Native Americans the names of Momi Cazimero, Corbett Kalama, Roland Watanabe, Kathleen Alama and Quentin Kawananakoa to fill vacancies on the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund advisory board of directors.
Kupuna award The board approved unanimously to select all three kūpuna nominated for the Ka Ha Mai Kalahikiola Nali'ielua award. $Announcements I The board adopted a resolution to urge the government of France to |:ease the testing of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific. | Prior to adjourning, vice-chairman Aiona announced that a visit to fhe Hawaiian Trust Office was scheduled for August 28 at 10:30 a.m. Tbe meeting adjourned at 1 p.m. August 30, 1995 OHA's Board of Trustees held a special meeting on August 30 at 10 a.m. All trustees were present. The meeting was called so trustees could discuss and vote on a report evaluating the performance of the administrator prepared by the Ad Hoe Committee to Evaluate the Administrator. The committee, whieh consisted of Trustees Abraham Aiona, Samuel Kealoha Jr., and
Billie Beamer, submitted a report in support of OHA administrator Dante Carpenter and recommended that he stay on as administrator. Trustee Beamer, however, did not support the recommendation and submitted a minority dissenting opinion critical of Carpenter. Her report included language recommending the termination of Carpenter's eontract. Trustees voted to reject the ad hoe committee report by a margin of 5-4. Trustees Billie Beamer, Rowena Akana, Kīna'u Kamali'i, Moses Keale and Frenchy DeSoto opJ>osed the report; trustees Chairman Hee, Samu|l Kealoha, Abraham Aiona, and Moanike'ala Akaia supported it. Immediately followitig the vote, trustees voted on accepting Trustee Beatner's dissenting report. Prior to the vote, Chairman ĪHee noted that acceptance of the report would effectively mean the termination of Carpenter's contract. The report was passed by a vote of 5-4: Beamer, Akana, Kamali'i, Keale, and DeSoto in favor; Hee, Akaka, Aiona, and Kealoha opposed. The Board then voted 6-2: Trustees Aiona and
Akaka opposed, Kealoha absent - to terminate Carpenter effective August 31 and give him one" month severance pay. September 7, 1995 Trustees held another special meeting September 7. All trustees were present. After approving the agenda, trustees spent several hours discussing and hearing community concerns about their recent decision to terminate Dante Carpenter's contract Responding to concerns about OHA's leadership in the absence of an administrator, trustees vqited1 unanimously to name Deputy Administrator L|nddi Colburn as interim administrator and SesiitJ Moepono as interim deputy administrator. After the vote Chairman Hee initiated a motiofe ttf try and reverse the board's earlier decision to acCept Trustee Beamer's minority report recommen<iing the firing of Dante Carpenter. The vote was 4-4: Hee, Kealoha, Aiona, Akaka in favor, Beamer, Akana, Kamali'i, and Keale opposed, DeSoto absent. The motion was defeated.