Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 10, 1 October 1995 — Our Readers Write [ARTICLE]
Our Readers Write
Praise for Ka Wai Ola Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA has been a big part of my education during my high school years. I have discovered my own eonvictions about my culture and learned to respect the opinions and ideals shared by my fellow Hawaiians. I have learned a lot more about Hawaiian sover-
eignty and, now in college, want to continue to keep up with the latest developments and new issues facing our eulture. Mahalo. Daphne K. Jenkins Rice University, Houston, TX
Stop French nuke tests Wednesday evening ( Editor's note: Aug. 9) Greenpeace left San Francisco harbor to sail to French Polynesia to stop the French from detonating eight nuclear bombs this September. Our beautiful garden islands and oeean must be protected. During Wednesday night Aztec dancers blessed the Earth and the people. The Rainbow Warrior will be there. Please help take a stand to stop nuclear bomb testing. God bless you.
Vicki Steffani Piedmont, CA