Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1995 — OHA's kūpuna conference is set for Sept. 28 --Oct. 1 [ARTICLE]
OHA's kūpuna conference is set for Sept. 28 --Oct. 1
Kulu Waimaka, Ola Ka Lāhui ("tears of the people is the life of the nation. ... one people, one nation") is the theme for OHA's eighth 'Aha Kūpuna Ku'ikahi A Nā Kūpuna 1995, a convocation of Hawaiian elders. Scheduled for Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 on the island of Maui at the Westin Maui Hotel in Kā'anapah, the conference will gather together kūpuna to reaffirm their rightful role as the matriarchs and patriarchs of the 'ohana, leaders in their communities, historian storytellers of times past and visionaries for tomorrow's Hawai'i. Days spent at Kulu Waimaka, Ola Ka Lāhui will be filled with experiences in sharing, and leam ffom and with eaeh other. There will be opportunities to renew connections made at previous kūpuna conferences, learn something new, make decisions, plan and pray together, sing and dance. While at Kulu Waimaka, Ola Ka Lāhui, three kūpuna will be honored and recognized; one will be named by the Board of Trastees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; one by the kūpuna planning committee; and one selected through secret ballot cast by the attendees at Kulu Waimaka, Ola Ka Lāhui. Hawaiian couples of Ka Hā Naupaka, OHA's Education Division's newest project, will assist the planning committee this year as resources and workshop facilitators. For more information, please eall OHA's Education Division at 594-1912.