Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1995 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hekili Painting & Decorating. Commercial & Residential Painting Professionals. Telephone/FAX: (808) 237-8545 Get on your land right away! 'Ohana cabins from $4,200. Gazebos from $1 ,500. Call Joe at Mr. Fish (808) 966-4685. High tech money making opportunity! Launeh home-based PC business with my help. Kapu your free shareware diskette now! Send SASE (55 cents) to: HJM, P.O. Box 17194, Honolulu, Hl 96817.
ILOMIM /#||\ HAWAHAN HEAUNG& HEALTH CENTER^iii^ Come Celebrate the Spirit of Lōkahi OPEN HOUSE Sunday - October 1, 1995 • lOam - 5pm Leam about ANCIENT HAWAIIAN HEALING PRACTICES: LOMI LOMI (Massage) LA'AU LAPA'AU (Medicinal Plants) MALAMA NA KUPUNA (caring for the elderly at home) HAWAIIAN VALUES (GUEST SPEAKERS) Entertainment includin§: TERESA BRIGHT AND ONO KAU KAU! EXHIBITS • LOMILOMI DEMONSTRATIONS s5.00 DONATION For more Information, CaII: 259-8414 HAWAIIAN HEALING & HEALTH CENTER 41-006 Wailea St. Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795 (next to Waimanalo Beach Parb)