Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 9, 1 September 1995 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Harvard Native Ameiiean Program invites you to join our exciting, academically challenging, and culturally diverse community. The Program serves students and faculty across various disciplines, and is committed to recruiting and graduating Native peoples by providing them with the community support and academic resources necessary to succeed at Harvard University and beyond. For more information about admīssions or (īnaneial aid, please contact: Harvard Narive American Program y y Harvard University Graduate School of Education -2"» Read House, Appian Way S g Cambridge, MA 02138 M JS (61 7) 495-4923 Fax: (6 1 7) 496-33 1 2 EMAIL: nap@hugsel.harvard.edu
APi HEIKLOOM ^ KOA By Hawaiian Artist STEVEN EULITT (808) 261-0972 Dig. Pager 530-6278