Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 9, 1 September 1995 — Alternative healing symposium Oct. 17-19 [ARTICLE]
Alternative healing symposium Oct. 17-19
Billed as "an interdisciplinary orientation to healing from native Hawaiian. Native Amenean, and Asian perspectives," the 1995 Hawaī'i Svmposium on Healing Altematīves wiU be held Oct. 1719 at the Hawaiian Regent Hotel io Hooolulu. From the Hawaiian perspective, Papa I leiiry Auwae will discuss lā'au lapa'au, Aunty Margaret Machado Will talk ahout lomilomi, Ulunui Garmon and Hinano Paleka will address ho'oponopono, and Frank Kawaikapuokalani HeweM will dtscuss the eoneepl of pono. Native Americans will discuss traditknal heahn» and cross-cul-tural medicine: Asian Amcricans will address herbal medicinc, tongue diagnoses, kinesiologybased therapy, Zen, acupuncture, and tai ehi. Tbe symposium is being sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is a co-sponsor along with 13 other entities, incfuding Alu Like and Papa Ola Lōkahi. OHA health and human services office Lorrainc Godoy said OHA is making an in-kind eontribution of staff time, with heaith specialist Babettc Galang hetping lhroughout the planning process. "ft's part of OHA's responsib»lity to keep alive the Hawaiian healina traditions," Godoy said. ~The purpose of this symposium is to present to heahh care practiIioners a!temative healing practices that exist in other cultures — practices that could help a Western-traincd physician or heahh practitioner." Registration is required and costs $375 before Aug. 15; aftcr Aug. 15 the price īs $395. For more tnforroation eall 922-6611 (in Hawai'i) or 1-800-367-5370.