Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1995 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions
Na 'ohana e ho'ohui 'ia ana 1 M x
Manuoha / Makapi'ipii Hui 'ohana no nā mamo o Manuoha a me Makapi'ipii (a.k.a. Kamakapi'ipii) (Kepookaioku, Milikaa, Manaku, Keoni I, Konanui, Kaailauonaihe [a.k.a. Kailauonaike], Kailiuli, Kailianu, Wahine Ho'okano [a.k.a. Kahookano]). Sept. 1 - 3, Kona, Hawai'i. Call Lucy Tagavilla at (808) 328-2132 after 6:30 p.m. or write to her at P.O. Box 838, Kailua-Kona, HI 96745-0838. W.C. Jones The W.C. Jones 'ohana is having its annual family pienie on Aug. 26 at Mā'ili Beach Park starting at 8 a.m. It's a pienie for everyone to get together and enjoy and renew happy times for families that haven't seen eaeh other for a long time. There will be games for all ages. Eaeh and every member of the Jones elan is weleome to attend and enjoy. If interested eall Kanaina Halualani at 737-2526, Carol Bright at 235-6788, or Hope Silva at 455-2836.
Leong Kiu, a.k.a. Akeo or Akiu The descendants of Leong Kiu, Akeo (1838-1917) will be holding their first potluck reunion at Sand Island Beach Park from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 26. Children include daughter Helen (married George Aiona) from Akeo's first manriage in Kaua'i. His second marriage, to Ela Kekai of Lahaina, produced 18 children: Agnes (married Moses Kane and Samuel Paona), Ella (married David Kapena Kaopuiki and Harry Kau Aki), Elizabeth (married Solomon Lo), Rebecca (married Alonzo Wise and Harry Alo), John Ah Fong (married Annie Kamokunui), Joseph Ah Yin (married Rose Lovell), Lilia (married Ah Moon Pang), Manuia (who went to China), Kauhi (married Annie Nauha and Elizabeth Abraham), Mabel (married Francis Akiona), James Aiu (married Mary Porcon and Cecilia Manono), and David "Jada" (married Lily Kanehe). He had 85 grandchildren. Family members from the neighbor islands are asked to not bring a potluck dish - just themselves. Family members are also asked to wear certain flowers or leaves to help identify their line. For more information, eall Malinda Kapaona at 696-1307. Bring old photos and chairs or mats.
Akau (Adau-Tom) The children of Joseph Akau (Adau-Tom) and Elizabeth Nuuhiwa Holualoa are having a reunion from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 2 at Nānākuli Beach Park. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth are: Joseph Akau Jr. (deceased), James (Etta) Akau, Sarah (Joseph) Waialae, Sammuel (Nancy) Akau, Dora (Bill) Martinez, Lissy (Harvey) Griffin, Robert (Lucy) Akau, Ethel (Jack) Kahili, Raymond (Aliee) Akau, and Nonnan (Eleanor) Akau. We are in search of the descendants of these brothers and sisters. Please contact Arviella Kelii at 668-7650 for reunion information. Contact Mae Kentner at 696-9934 or Gordon Akau at 672-3293 for genealogy book. Contact Kimo Kelii at 668-4576 for treasurer information. Contact Beatrice Hew Len for entertainment information and Roberta Searle for games and activities information.
Ni'ihau The family members of Ni'ihau, Nihau and Niheu will be having a reunion Aug. 18-20 on the island of Maui. The descendants of Kalalau and Kupanihi are also invited. For more information contact Naomi (Ni'ihau) Ballesteros on O'ahu at 682-4814. Kekoolani-Kaeo The Kekoolani-Kaeo clans will hold their family reunion in Honolulu during Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 1-3. Other branches within the line of descent include, but are not limited to, Peleioholani, Isaac Davis and Nakai, Capt. Alexander Adams and Sally (Sarah) Kaniaulono Davis, Isaac Keaumoku Adams and Kealiiopunui (Kumahiai), Mukoi and Naholowaa, Noah Peleioholani and Piikea, Samuel Kaeo and Sarah (Sally) Kaniaulono Adams, Keomalu and Oinaku (Aina Kuaina), Solomon Peleioholani and Oinaku (Aina Kuaina). For a newsletter and/or more information, contact "Bert" Harris on Moloka'i at 5676549 or Amy (Kekoolani) Akau in Hilo at 9591971. You may also write to "Bert" Harris at P.O. Box 39, Ho'olehua, HI 96729.
Wana - Poaha The children and grandchildren of James Poaha and Mary Wana Poaha of Moloka'i are having a family gathering Aug. 18-20 at Oneali'i Pavilion on the island of Moloka'i. The family originates from Lahaina, Maui and east end Moloka'i. We are searching for the 'ohana of our grandmother, Mary Kahalelauola Wana, as follows: Wana (k), father; Po'okui (w), mother; and brothers Edward Waiaholo (aka Waiaholo (k)); John Humeku (aka Humeku (k)), Henry Mailolo (aka Mailolo (k)); William Wana (aka Wanali'ili'i (k)); Lonoaea (k), Louise Wana (w); Mary Wana (w); and cousins Grace, Maryann, Helene, Florence, Henry Kanuha and Henry Maiolo, Jr. If you feel you are 'ohana, please contact Noel ASAP at 259-8243 (neighbor islands eall collect).