Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1995 — Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate replies: [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate replies:
It is indeed unfortunate that OHA Trustee Billie Beamer neglected to adequately research the subject of her June editorial prior to defaming the good works and good names of the member organizations of Hui 'Imi Pono, a volunteer group dedicated to serving the needs of the Hawaiian community. For the past six years, Hui 'Imi Pono and its member agencies and organizations have worked toward streamlining and improving services for Hawaiians. It is very unfortunate that Ms. Beamer believes that OHA should not be part of this cooperative group.
In addition, Ms. Beamer's other allegations, including funding misappropriation, are simply untrue. Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, for example, contributes $17 million of its own funds and in-kind services to provide educational programs for Hawaiians. The federal government eontributes $5 million for these same programs. This could hardly be cosidered as being on the "dole." The $5 million is not a handout, it is a bona fide and
entirely appropriate attempt by government to address very real educational needs. If government ean (and does) contribute to other Native American groups, so should it contribute to Hawaiian needs. While Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate is blessed with the provisions of our far-sighted benefactress, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the entire responsibility for Hawaiian education cannot be shouldered by her privately endowed trust. Nor should it. With resDect to the Kamehameha
alumni, Ms. Beamer does that group a serious injustice by inferring that their support during our fight against the theft of KS/BE land is motivated by anything except love for the Schools and desire to see Ke Ali'i Pauahi's legacy continue forever. While Trustee Beamer did not contact our organization to verify statements used in her article, we do invite and encourage her to eall at any time. Richard S.H. Wong, Chairman KS/BE Board of Trustees.