Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1995 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Board Business
Na Kuleana a ka Papa Kahu Waiwai
By Ellen Blomquist Puhiie Information Officer
June 27 meeting Board Chairman Clayton Hee opened the June 27 meeting of the BOT at 8 p.m. All trustees were present, except for Trustee Rowena Akana who was excused. After approval of the agenda as amended, the minutes, and correspondence report from the chairman, the board considered these business matters: Alu Like lnc. In deference to the many community members present, the board considered the recommendation of the Budget, Finance and Policy Committee to maintain current funding for Alu Like through the next hiennium. Trustee Billie Beamer proposed several provisos to keeping the budget intact that all board members present approved. These were that by May 16, 1996, Alu Like ine. submit to OHA a performance report whieh includes an audited expenditure statement for 1 995-96, the application of eaeh expenditure in the area of heahh and human services, the number of people served with substantive verification, its plan to be self-sufficient, and the term for whieh it expects funding from OHA. An additional proviso was that the second year of Alu Like funding be expended conditioned on the acceptance and approval of OHA's BOT by a majority vote.
Hawai'i Maritime Center. The board approved, Beamer dissenting, an appropriation of $24,180 in trust funds to the Hawai'i Maritime Center for gear and safety equipment, escort vessel, insurance, drydock work, and on-eanoe provisions for the voyaging eanoe Hōkūle'a's West Coast tour. Trustee Aides. The board approved 6-1 (Trustee A. Frenchy DeSoto, absent, Hee dissenting) the hire of part-time trustee aides as contractual employees, at the rate of $16.93 per hour plus 50 percent benefits for 20 hours per week. Dialysis Request. The board approved 7 - 0 a commitment to a dialysis facility on Moloka'i and to assist in facilitating eoncemed parties, community entities and state agencies for planning, eeonomie analysis and implementation of the most efficacious solution to the need for on-site dialysis on Moloka'i. Kaaihue Request. The board approved 7 - 0 an appropriation of $6,000 in trust funds to purchase a motorized wheel chair for David Kaaihue. Ad Hoe Committee on Operation 'Ohana. The board approved 7-0 (DeSoto absent) an appropriation of $160,000 in trust funds, of whieh $100,000 will be paid for operations and $60,000 for a consultant to the ad hoe committee.
OHA Biennium Budget. The board approved a biennium budget, resubmitted to consider items not funded by the legislature. The budget submitted was amended as follows: cut all funds where the budgeted amount for salaries exceeds the actual salaries; that all vacancies be filled and funding expended only upon BOT approvaI; deletion of a 2% wage adjustment in FY96 and FY97; reclassification of all BOT secretaries I and II to secretary III; and approval of trust funded positions (full- and halftime clerical positions, a Iegislative assistant and a deputy administrator with the proviso that the position be evaluated.) Prior to adjouming, Chairman Hee announced the board would reconvene July 6 to reconsider this budget, particularly in light of the restrictions on general funds for OHA to be imposed by the Govemor. Chairman Hee also circulated a resolution, signed by all board members present, to delete from OHA's Policies and Procedures the requirement that when a meeting is recessed, the board must post six-day notice prior to reconvening. This deletion puts OHA in conformance with the "Sunshine Law," whieh states that the meeting ean be reconvened at a reasonable time and date. July 6, 1995 meeting Board Chairman Clayton Hee opened the July 6 meeting of the BOT at 1:30 p.m. All trustees were present. Approval of minutes from the June 29 meeting was deferred to the next meeting of the board. After approval of the agenda as amended, the correspondence report and the administrator's report, the board considered the business matters before it. Wai'anae Diet Program. The board considered the recommen-
dation of the Budget, Finance and Policy Committee to maintain current funding for the Wai'anae Diet Program. Trustee Billie Beamer proposed several provisos to keeping the budget intact that all board members present approved. These were that by May 15, 1996, the Wai'anae Diet Program submit to OHA a performance report whieh includes an audited expenditure statement for 1995-96, the number of people served with substantive verification, its planto become self-sufficient, and the term for whieh it
expects funding from OHA. An additional proviso was that the second year of Wai'anae Diet Program funding be expended conditioned on the acceptance and approval of OHA's BOT by a majority vote. OHA's Biennium Budget. In light of new restrictions on general funds for OHA that have been imposed by the Governor, the board reconsidered its previous approval of the OHA hiennium budget. The budget submitted was amended as follows: to reduce salaries cost by the difference between budgeted and actual salaries; and to delay hiring of a new public information officer
by three months. The board also made a policy decision that staff shall not be subject to prospective collective bargaining wage increases, and that the administration will eome up with an alternative plan to allow for salary increases and still save on personnel costs. Policy and procedures. The Board voted to amend its procedures relating to Chapter 92, HRS, Section 4.3 (d)2 so that it ean recess, and later reconvene a meeting without six-day notice.
Appropriation jor Ka Wai Ola postage and mailing service. The board approved the transfer of $90,000 in Ka Wai Ola O OHA advertising revenue ffom the Hawaiian project fund to OHA's Public Information Office budget, to cover $45,000 in additional postage costs to mail the Ka Wai Ola in FY96, and to provide $45,000 for costs of the mailing service in FY 96-97. Announcements. Trustee Moanike'ala Akaka urged the board to make a public statement to support native Tahitians in their opposition to the resumed nuclear testing at Mururoa Atoll, Tuamotus, in French Polynesia. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.