Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 June 1995 — JOIN THE ON TARGET TEAM -- TAKE THE ON TARGET TEAM CHALLENGE AND WIN! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Join the On Target Team and be eligible to win prizes including Tshirts, caps, books, food coupons, tickets to events, trips and mueh more! To be an On Target Team member just choose a wellness

Community Goal like; I Will Plant a Garden With My Neighbors or I Will Spend More Time With My Family. Get friends, family members, co-workers to join with you and help meet eaeh others'

goal and then send in your j

Wellness Goals. You ean also par- ^ ticipate in our contests.

f r o g r e s s Report to us , and tell us how you're do

vvinners wiii De picked every week. t For more informa■K, tion eall 923-

ing. Whenever we hear from you you'll be eligible A

TEAM. Write to us at 733 Bishop St.

to win one of 1 our prizes but you're a win- ■ ner anyway flj by making a ■ difference. Your wellness goal ean be a

#1 70-62, Hono-lulu, | Hl 96813. | W e ' r e p waiting to hear from I you!

Nutrition Goal like: I Will Eat More Fresh Vegetables or I Will Eat Less Fat; or it could be Fitness Goal like: I Will Walk Everyday or I Will Quit Smoking; or it could be a

ON TARGET TEAM CONTEST - Tell us why we should eome and videotape what's in your refrigerator!