Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 June 1995 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F"\* We Filetl a Claim. Yoli Slionlcl, Too. " [ ln 1 956, David W. Pohina appl ied for a Waimanalo homestead with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and was given a "Priority 2" status. During the 1 960s, >>. - "My hustand had so many .. . , . , r prohlems getting his ' aPPl IC3ntS who aPPl ied for homestead ..." Waimanalo homesteads after V Mr. Pohina were awarded homesteads. Mr. Pohina received no award. WA Then, in 1971, DHHL mailed two letters intended for Mr. Pohina. But the letters were mislabelled, whieh meant he was not notit'ied of critical information concerning his aPPlication. Mr. Pohina finally received a Waimanalo homestead in 1985. However, he could not move onto his homestead right away because ; 1 no infrastructure existed for the subdividision.

Mr. Pohina filed a elaim with the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust lndividual Claims Review Panel because he felt that the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands breached its trust duties to him. Unfortunately, Mr. Pohina passed I i away before he was able to move onto his homestead. As Mr. Pohina's designated successor, Mrs. Barbara Pohina , succeeded to his right to bring his elaim forward and move onto the homestead. ij '■% The Native Hawaiian I.ega1 Corporation lielpeel the Pohinas present their elaim to the Panel.