Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 June 1995 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Goodnewsfor Hawaiian Homesteaders looking to buy or improve a home. Hiki noiāmākou!

lfyou're a Hawaiian Homesteader looking to buy or improve a home, you may be eligible for a special program now available through First Hawaiian Bank. It's called the Hawaiian Homesteaders Loan Program. And it offers two loans that ean help you. The first loan is for Hawaiians who are eligible for Hawaiian homestead land and a mortgage, but cannot afford a large down payment The maximum loan amount is $20,000 at 6-7/8% based on a 20-year amortization over a IO-year period. The second loan enables Department ofHawaiian Home Lands lessees to make home improvements. The maximum loan amount is $50,000 at 6-7/8% based on a 20-year amortization over a IO-year period. To qualify for either loan, you must be a Department ofHawaiian Home Lands lessee. You must plan to live in the home

you buy or improve. And you must meet the annual household ineome limits. In Honolulu County, the limit for families ofthree or more is $69,800; for families ofless than three it's $59,800. In all other Hawaii counties, the limit for families of three or more is $54,600; for families ofless than three it's $47,500. Also, your credit should be good. This special $20 million revolving loan program has been made possible through the efforts of the Office ofHawaiian Affairs, the Department ofHawaiian Home Lands and First Hawaiian Bank. To find out if you qualify, eall our Residential Real Estate Service at 525-6386 in Honolulu or visit any branch of First Hawaiian Bank. Y@S y OU If MM State Department of Hawaiian Home Lands LZZJ l AinaoHawaPi Aina Ho'opulapula AinaAloha

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