Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 Iune 1995 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu



U kī%t\ktg% 1 HENRY KAPONO & KAPUNU FRIENDS PRESENT SOVEREIGNTY - Br^U[ . A CELEBRATION 0F LIFE |||gf X, » REGULARLY $18.69 M QQ WĒmā \ NOWONSALE t|/I '' FOR ONLY |Af rn rr>0 AT! AK! "enr)' Kapono.a nativc Hawaiian and one U vtLvOKmlV/r» of thc Island's most loved and prolific Q{ Uri v Singer/Songwriters takes you through a pictorial history of ihe Hawaiians love for i"Vy ihe land. the illegal overthrow of the * Hawaiian Kingdoni and the present day '• So\'ereignn- movement.

■MWMHMEI IH I I U II GABBY PAHINUI, w. • «, FAMILY & FRIENDS, (f THE PAHINUI ^ BROTHERS Panini R«nrds A^mmWĒk,' REGULARLY $18.69 Q ■ ■ QQ ' NOW ON SALE Y 1/1^7 ^M)t F0R0NLV i4* C f This \ideo presents a visual and musical look ■ĒwU'W at Hawai' i's slack kcv lcgend.Gabby Pahinui. W k». whh famih' and friends. In addition, Gahby's ** Uk v/';Sfc sons Cyril,Martin and Bla are filmed making their alhum, Tbe Pahinui Brotbers, with speeial musical guests Ry Cooder. David Lindley ; and Jim Keltner.


AA?t& X hjs js (he first of a series of recordcd works hy the Gahhy Pahinui Hawaiian <$ Band. featuring Gahhy and his sons C)Til | • ( ' W andBla.SonnvChillingworth.Atta 4 Isaacs.ManuarjoeGang"Kupahu.Rand\' ® Y tr. <*V ^J1 Lorenzo and Rv C(xxJcr 1 1 was recorded f & in 1974 in Nonh Kona on the island of • Bk^ ^ Hawaii. Thc foundation for thc . s iMnlll 'U'ainunalo Soond" was Gah6y s 12 ' v \ * stnng guitar and uniqucl\- cxpressi\r Panini Rccords Tbe Waimea Music Festiual was rccorded live in 1974 at Paniolo Park fal Kamuela on the island of Hawai' i. It features performances by Gahhv Pahinui, Atta Isaacs.Sonny Cl illingworih.Auntic Genoa Keawe.The Sunday Manoa, Frt*d Punahou, Na Leo O Nu' uanu and Thc Waimea Hawaiian Civic Cluh Originally releascd as a douhle alhum. | this is the first time this classic record has heen available on CD or cassette. Panini Records \ . V 5 A imh' classic recording, Hokule'a was (ĒW- ':TT'fl) f/.y •?f7' F*V $ rcleascd in 1977 to honor llie spirit and ||f — J/ i '/[ C • A/ " *p /V. 4 accomplishments of ihe douhle hulled **• * cantxr.Hokule a.This relea.se features > l)Tics and music hv Roland Cazimero of f * y the Brothers Cazimero and Keli " i Taua. L *? '^T*y^lll"^Vir/ . ' For informalion on Hoknle a's West M' • r>" Coast '95 Tour, eall tbe Bishof) & Museum/NHCAP at (808) 532-5630.

In 1972 Gahhy Pahinui a*emerged into popularitv wiih his sons and friends to 1 4^1 forge a sound in Hawaiian music that wxs rural,spontaneous,emotional and rich in spirit.The Gabby Band indude his sons Bla. C\-ril, Martin and Philip. and friendsAtta Isaacs.Sonny Chillingworth. - Jt>c Kupahu. Randv Lorenzo and latcr. Ry Cooder. Panini Records Rccordcd live ai theWaikiki Shell,the Monarch Rtx)m of the Royal Hawaiian II )tel in Waikiki and other locations. Ikw'l miss tbe Brotbers Cazimero at s fl-Jv tbe Bisbop Museum's Hawaiian $ fc taj« tt*> Hall on Wednesday. Tbursday and Sunday. For more information eali (808) 847-6353 Moumain Apple First rccorded in Sepicmbcr of and complcted in 1964 bv Jack DeMello. - I lndudes Tbe Legend of Pele. Hina;'P||| J Woman of tlje Moon, Tlje Snow ' Goddess, Legend of Manoa. Le$end of :>0Sr{ ll)e an^ °/ t,Je 5inging

1 S Henn' Kapono's music has always heen on ihe cutting edge. First by eap- ^ » | turing the spirit of Hawaiian music for his own people, and then introduc'nR it to the states bv intcri)rcting popular adult contemporary stvles with ■ an island flavor Spirit Dancer featurcs 12 tracks co-produced hv Kapono and JoeThomas. Don't miss Kapono u ilh Glenn Medeiros at tbe Polynesian Palaee, now unlil June 14. Look for Kapono at tbe Big Island's Waiki 7


