Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 Iune 1995 — Wai'anae Diet retreat planned for June 16-17 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Wai'anae Diet retreat planned for June 16-17

After six years of serving the Wai'anae community and helping other Hawaiian communities to better heahh through nutrition, the Wai'anae Diet Program is holding a retreat to share with the puhlie the benefits of this diet program. An intensive two-day weekend program is planned at the Sheraton Mākaha Resort, June 16-17. Featured speakers include Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, Helen Kanawaliwali 0'Connor, Claire Hughes and Jimmy Lewis, Dr. Terry Shintani and other guest speakers. Traditional Hawaiian food will be provided at luneh and dinner. Sessions cover the Wai'anae Diet Program recipes and foods, the aneienī Hawaiian diet, kalo and the ahupua'a system, ho'oponopono, Hawaiian hi'uwai (water purification ritual), and more. To sign up eall the Wai'anae Diet Program at 696-1530. Conference fee is $175. Accommodations may be reserved at the Sheraton Mākaha (yes, it's still open) at $65 per night per room by calling 1(808) 6957505.