Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 June 1995 — Housing [ARTICLE]

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The current phase of OHA's Waimānalo Kupuna housing project involves exploration of the tricky wastewater treatment issue. Housing officer Stephen Morse plans to bring in consultants to assist with the project, including a development coordinator, architects, engineers, legal experts, and someone to conduct market analysis. In addition, Morse is discussing with the Housing Finance and

Development Corporation the possibility of an agency-to-agency working relationship where HFDC would provide assistance in planning and developing the project. OHA is co-sponsoring a Land Use Tools Conference June 5-6 in Honolulu, whieh will address land tmsts and other cooperative approaches for land development and stewardship. Open to the public, the eonference is being coordinated by the Office of State Planning (OSP) and co-sponsored by Hawai'i's Thousand Friends, the Trust for Public Land, and Campbell Estate. OHA deputy administrator Linda Colburn and former housing division consultant James Severson are scheduled to speak. For registration forms and more information, eall the OSP's Scott Derrickson at 587-2805.