Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 May 1995 — OHA grows on the Internet [ARTICLE]

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OHA grows on the Internet

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Internet web page is growing daily and now includes information about OHA and OHA programs, press releases, important and interesting articles from recent Ka Wai Ola issues, a listing of all OHA phone numbers including neighbor island numbers, and easy e-mail capabilities. In the next few months new additions to the page will include: OHA's Native Hawaiian Data Book and Native Hawaiian Business Directory, added information about OHA's Operation 'Ohana and the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund plus information about different models of sovereignty. Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians are encourged to get on-line and follow developments on OHA's page. Send us your eomments, questions or requests for more information. (Please include your return phone number or address if the request is a large one.) OHA's URL address is http://hoohana.aloha.net/~oha/ E-mail to oha@aloha.net. For those not on-line who would like to know more about OHA's web page eall 594-1981.