Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 Mei 1995 — He mau hanana [ARTICLE]
He mau hanana
A calendar of events
Mei (May) 9 "Lō'ihi: monitoring Hawai'i's submarine volcano." Submersible studies along with data from robotic observatories on Lō'ihi's summit show a dynamic volcano with magma motion and rift eruptions thousands of meters below sea level. Alex Malahoff, UH-Mānoa oceanography professor, will offer a slide program at 7 p.m. in the Kllauea Visitor Center auditorium at Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Call 967-7184. 13 An evening of ki ho'alu, Hawaiian slack key guitar featuring Raymond Kane, Leonard Kwan, Oz Kotani and Haunani Apoliona. 8 p.m. at the Honolulu Academy of Arts theater. $12. Call 532-8700.
through May 14 "Twelf Nite 0'Wateva!". This pidgin adaptation of Shakespeare's romantic comedy is set in 1920s Hawai'i. Directed by James Grant Benton. Performances at Diamond Head Theatre, Wed.Sat. at 8 p.m., Sunday matinee at 4 p.m. Tickets $8, $18, $27 and $38. For reservations eall 734-0274. 20 "Moloka'i Ka Hula Piko," eelebration of the birth of hula on Moloka'i, fifth annual festival at Pāpohaku Beach at Kaluako'i. Hula performances and music, Hawaiian crafts and food including Moloka'i specialities. 20 See how Honolulu residents lived in 1831 and leam about the meeting of cultures, Hawaiian, Western and Asian in 19th century Hawai'i. In eele-
bration of International Museums Month and Preservation Week, admission, including guided tours, is free this day from 9 a,m. to 4 p.m. at the Mission Houses Museum. Call 531-0481. 22 - June 11 "The Art of Lei Making," exhibition celebrating this Hawaiian art with historical photographs, related art and hands-on demonstrations. Academy Art Center at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday; 1-5 p.m. Sundays. $4 general admission; $2 for students, seniors and military; free to members and children under 12. Call 5328700. 27 Weaving conference on lau hala and makaloa, sponsored by Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at Bishop Museum Atherton Hālau. Registration closes May 12. Fee: $25, plus $10 for makaloa supplies. Lau hala rolls available for purchase that day. Elizabeth Lee and other lau hala and makaloa weavers will demonstrate and share their experiences. Call NHCAP at 532-5630 to register. 27 This tribute to Mary Kawena Puku'i (part 2), organized and hosted by Kahauanu Lake, focuses on the 'auana (contemporary) songs and styles associated with the illustrious career of one of Hawai'i's most beloved composers. 8 p.m. at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. $12. Call 532-8700. Iune (June) through June 4 "Hawai'iloa, ka 'imi 'ike,
Seeker of Knowledge" exhibit at Bishop Museum coincides with the current 3-month voyage of the traditional voyaging canoes, Hawai'iloa, Hōkūle'a and Makali'i as they return from the South Pacific amid a fleet of other Polynesian canoes. Handson activities, videos, computer simulations teach about star, wind and wave navigation. Admission. Call 847-3511. through June 16 "Journey by Starlight," multimedia, interactive planetarium program looks at history of Polynesian exploration and celestial navigation. Admission. Call Bishop Museum, 847-351 1. 3 Join this Hawai'i Nature Center hike to the secluded Mānoa Queen's Bath waterfall and swimming hole. Reservations required. Fee. Call 955-0100 .