Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 May 1995 — ʻOhana Reunions Nā ʻohana e hoʻohui ʻia ana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions Nā ʻohana e hoʻohui ʻia ana
Apuakehau, Nainoa, Kaleohano, Kalili The Apuakehau, Nainoa, Kaleohano and Kalili families of Ko'olauloa will be gathering May 10-12 at Kualoa Park. Please wear pink to identify one another. Bring enough food for family members and extra for presenta-
tion. Bring leis or tlowers, ti leaves for lei-making. Please kōkua with taro, bananas, ulu, sweet potato, coconut, etc. For more information eall Roland "Ahi" Logan, 293-5650 or Ka'iwaanaimaka Meyer (Apuakehau), 595-2073. Hale O Moana The descendants of the Royal House of Moana (w) and Nohomuaolani Palila (k) are planning a family reunion July 4-7, 1996 at Ho'okena Beach, South Kona, Hawai'i. Families include Nā 'Ohana 'O Kaulunae Palake (w) and Ka'aipua'a (k); Kualo Hulama (k) and Lepeka (w); Rose Kepoo Kanahoahoa Ka'aipua'a (w) and Ah Tou (k); Naumi (w) and William Hose (k); Eben Naihe Kukui (k) and Kamanohaua (w); Solomon Benjamin Hanohano (k) and Pa'aluhi Punikaia (w); Mary Malia Coelho (w) and David Paoakalani Nahinu (k) and Abigail Apikaila Uka (w); and other members of the 'ohana. Events planned are genealogy workshops; .grave visitation, eleanup and memorial services at Kealia Beach, Honaunau and Kalahiki; photo sessions; crafts
and games; fishing, swimming and eanoe riding; a family lu'au and entertainment. Periodic reunion announeements will be mailed out at a later date. To be placed on the mailing Iist, or to update changes, the 'ohana are encouraged to send their address, phone number and
reservations by July 1, 1995. Contact George L. Ah Tou (O'ahu) at 833-5438; Wilfred W. Ah Tou (West Hawai'i) at 3282167; Emi!y Hoopii (East Hawai'i) at 935-3904; or Pearl Ignacio (San Jose, California) at (408) 227-3344.