Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 Mei 1995 — HSEC plebiscite is not Hawaiians' choice [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HSEC plebiscite is not Hawaiians' choice

by Samuel L. Kealoha Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i The people in opposition to State Senator James Aki, Chair of the Hawaiian Affairs Committee, are self-centered and selfish individuals who are insisting that we rush into the plebiscite scam.

Senator Aki stated that he is against the Hawaiian Sovereignty Elections Council plan for two reasons. First, the senator is concerned because Hawaiians appear to be divided on the issue. Secondly, our bozos at the Hemmeter Building are engrossed in the settlement of the Hawaiian homes pilikia. However. the senator should really be opposed to this process because it was not called for or initiated by native Hawaiians.

As chairman of the Education and Culture Committee for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, my focus this year is on educating native Hawaiians and their descendants about the scam of Act 200. All Hawaiians should know that section 14 of Act

200 clearly states that "Nothing arising out of the Hawaiian Convention provided for in this Act shall be applied to supersede, conflict, waive, alter. or affect" the govemmental structures and meehanisms of the state. In other words, native Hawaiians will remain wards of the state and dispossessed of their native trust assets (State of

Hawai'i business as usual). Moreover, all OHA voters should be even more concemed because they will automatically be registered in this plebiscite vote. Therefore, those of us who oppose the process will automatically be registered for something we don't support. Whatever happened to our right to choose? Native Hawaiians are continuously excluded from determining if they would like to participate in a particular process or not. But what I

find most ironic is the whining from some OHA tmstees about how HSEC was shoved down their ■ throats by the 1993 State Legislature, but who are now saying Mmmmm 'ONO!