Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 5, 1 May 1995 — Final Decking [ARTICLE]

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Final Decking

OHA's legislative package

S.B. 828 / H.B. 1313 - Relating to homestead leases. Establishes a genealogy program within OHA to aid those with an interest, or preseumed interest in homestead lands (not Hawaiian Homes) created by chapter 171

and commonly referred to as 999-year homestead leases. H.B. 1780 - H.D. 1, S.D. 1 Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Biennium Budget.

Provides the necessary appropriations and authorizations for the operation of the Office of Hawaiians Affairs for the 19951997 fiscal biennium. (At press time House and Senate conferees

approved the Senate version whieh represents an approximately 9 percent cut in programs and whieh does not authorize or match funding for new positions or those approved by the board and currently funded with trust monies.)

Hawai'i S,a,e Legislature