Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1995 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

First Cross

OHA's legislative package

S.B. 828 / H.B. 1313 - Relating to homestead leases. Establishes a genealogy program within OHA to aid those with an interest, or preseumed interest in homestead lands (not Hawaiian Homes) created by chapter 171 and commonly referred to as 999-year homestead leases.

H.B. 1780 - Relating to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Biennium Budget. Provides the necessary appropriations and authorizations for the operation of the OfFice of Hawaiians Affairs for the 19951997 fiscal hiennium.

8lf you have suffered damage because of jt 2 a breach of the Hawaiian Home Lands [J|| trust between August 21, 1959 and |f | June 30, 1988 ... TIME IS RUNNING M J OUT for you to file a elaim. p/|

|\| The deadllne for filing a elaim with the jj/j ]/ Hawaiian Home Lands Trust Individual U| j Claims Revie\^anel is August 31, 1995. |j\j 1 \f Claims not filed by that date will be barred JJf J M forever. \ j \ DUl

Call the Panel's staff at the Hawallan j| \j k Claims Offlce for further information and e ' assistance. The number on Oahu is 'p I j% 586-2826. Neighbor islands ean eall toll W I W? free 1-800-481-0800. §j| . ■.■■■.■... ■■ ■ • ■.-.■ ... ■ ■.■.■■■. ..'■■'.'. . ■ ■..■ ■.■.•.■.■.■.. ;X ;